The production, distribution and consumption of food is so essential, so basic, and yet so routinized as to be largely taken for granted in large industrialized nations. In recent years American consumers have become more conscious of the health aspects of food, as typified in the organic food movement, and the aesthetic consumption of food, as popularized by the “slow food” movement. Turning the Tables is part of a larger body of work by the artists to render visible the often invisible human labor embodied in the modern food system. Turning the Tables goes behind the lunch counter and through the kitchen doors to invite those working there to the table.
Party of Eight is a motion-based, asynchronous gallery of contemporary food service workers from a wide gamut of restaurant establishments. We are invited to hear the concerns, hopes and dreams of people who hoist the trays, clear the tables and wash the dishes.
Posing as an ordinary mirror, You are What You Eat is an interactive video-based project that poses as an ordinary mirror, but reveals the depth of character of heroic fruits and vegetables, all sacrificing their livelihood for daily human intake.
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